Friday: Goodbye Roskilde, Goodbye Copenhagen 


On Friday we went back to HF/VUC Roskilde which was our last day of the trip.

We had a morning class and met new students and made friends, We shared some knowledge about both countries told them what we saw of the places we visited in Copenhagen. There were students who came to Helsinki last year and it was nice to meet them again.
Afterwards, we went to Roskilde cathedral together. The cathedral has a very rich history to share about in the cathedral museum. The old royal Kings and Queens and their graves are buried in the cathedral. After that we came back to school and played games at the school library with the other students.

Afterwards, we went to Roskilde cathedral together. The cathedral has a very rich history to share about in the cathedral museum. The old royal Kings and Queens and their graves are buried in the cathedral. After that we came back to school and played games at the school library with the other students.

There were students who came to Helsinki last year and it was nice to meet them again.

We will also planned to have a picnic together with some Roskilde school students but it didn't happen because it was rainy on Friday. So instead we had sandwiches in class together. .
Roskilde as a school is a well organised school. They also showed us its music class and practice rooms, we sang a song called imagine by John Lennon.

Afterwards, we went to Roskilde cathedral together. The cathedral has a very rich history to share about in the cathedral museum. The old royal Kings and Queens and their graves are buried in the cathedral. After that we came back to school and played games at the school library with the other students.

After all we had it back to the hotel and prepared for our last dinner in Copenhagen and later some students had a stroll in the city for the nightlife and saying a "see you soon Copenhagen"

Mulki Mohamed and Maureen Umulisa

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